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①Hanko material


Among natural wood,this traditional seal material with the most dense fi bers and durability has been used roughly in various ways for a very long time.

Black Buffalo

This is made with Southeast Asian buff alo horns.
A black and glossy appearance creates a sense of strength and style.

Netherlands Black buffalo

With last longing features, the beautiful appearance is especially popular among women.

②Hanko Characters


Kanji is a type of ideograms. It was originally made in China to transcript Chinese. Today it is used only in parts of Taiwan and South Korea.

Looking at the composition of Kanji, they are shapes of things, copies of abstract concepts and a combination of both. There are exceeding number of fi fty thousand kanjis , but in fact, six thousand to seven thousand are used in literature while three thousand are only used on daily bases.


Kanji characters written in Shoho style, Sougana is a further simplified version. From the beginning through the middle of the Heian period, surnames were developed mainly because it was used to mainly write songs and letters.


Like hiragana, kanji was made by the transition usage of Manyokana kanji,a form of syllabary used in Manyoshu. Hiragana was born by character written in Shoho style, while Katakana was born by its simplifi cation. In the Heian period Manyokana was used reading Chinese texts in Japanese but to write fast and briefl y, this made katakana crucial.

The Alphabet

Each letter in general is one kind of a phonetic transcript that includes consonants and vowels which also refers to a traditional arrangement of letters. The word "alphabet" comes from α、β "alpha" and "beta" which are the two letters that comes fi rst in Greek.

③Seal's Font

The typeface(font) of a name is important as it reflects the person's personality. There are several kinds of seal stamps fonts.


Popular among foreigners , Yamato Kointai is easy to read Yamato Kointai is an old basic type of seal font that is made in Japan adding roundness to the letters Reishotai that it is easy to read with image by adding roundness to original letter form made in Japan based on old seal stamp of Yamato old seal body.


Kisotai is a typeface designed based on the Tenshotai form. With its soft and strong impression features it is said to bring good fortune.


Tenshotai is an old font that was made from hieroglyphics around 200 BC. This is popular among its distinctive impression and it is said that it suits not only the official registered seal but also for any types of seals.


In China, around Shin’s period Reisyotai was complicated and diffi cult to write, so the typeface was simplifi ed to write faster. Kointai is the model of this typeface.


The carrying of the brush makes the beautiful typeface.


Kaishotai is mainly used on postcards and printed on business cards which is the basics of Japanese calligraphy and the most familiar typeface.

④Listed Sizes





